City of Barstow
Home MenuWeather/Climate
The City of Barstow is fortunate to have a very desirable climate. The high desert climate offers warm summers, with an average daily temperature of 102 degrees. Of special note is the rapid cool-down during the summer months in the evening, resulting in very pleasant nights. Summertime humidity levels average less than 40 percent; the comfort factor is only slightly affected.
The winter temperatures are moderate, comparable to Phoenix. Winter highs range between 50 and 70 degrees. Winter low temperatures average about 44.8 degrees, with extreme low temperatures of 25 degrees. Air quality is excellent, and smog is an unknown word here. Average annual rainfall is about 4 inches.
Thirty Year Averages
High |
Low |
Average |
Rainfall |
Humidity |
79.7o |
44.8o |
62.3o |
4.64'' |
42% |
Average Seasonal Highs and Lows
Summer |
High: |
109.6o |
Winter |
High: |
64.2o |
Low: |
74.8o |
Low: |
44.1o |
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